Federal Member for Flynn, Colin Boyce alongside board members of the Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc have encouraged Central Queenslanders to participate in an historic journey of Mount Morgan’s CBD area.

Mr Boyce said he was pleased that the Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc project ‘Mount Morgan CBD -Links to its Historic Past’ was up and running.

“I was proud to support this project with $12,000 in funding from the Federal Government’s Stronger Communities Programme,” Mr Boyce said.

“The ‘Mount Morgan CBD – Links to its Historic Past’ project was installed late last year and can be accessed through five QR posts. It is a self-guided tour through the main business area of the town.”

The historical journey starts at the Main Post in the traffic island near the rotunda opposite the Mount Morgan Hot Bread Shop.

The Main Post is the starting point for this fascinating pilgrimage through time and provides an overview of the project and an array of historical images depicting the CBD area from the end of the 19th century onwards.

Continue your time travels at the Eastern Post located near the picnic shelter on the traffic island between the Museum and the Leichhardt Hotel.

Each post will provide the next location to continue your self-guided tour.

The other three posts are located at the Morgan Street centre pedestrian crossing (Central Post), near the Mount Morgan School of Arts (Western Post) and the final, Northern Post near the corner of Dee and Central Streets.

Brass plaques detailing some of the current operating businesses genesis are located along the footpaths of the CBD and support the information on the QR posts complementing your historical journey.

The project was made possible from funding under Round 8 of the Federal Government’s Stronger Communities Programme.

Mr Boyce said the Stronger Communities Programme was an important grant that brought people together by strengthening social connections, building community participation, and delivering a brighter and more vibrant future for communities.

“Grants of between $2,500 and $20,000 were available for small capital works projects or capital expenditure projects under the programme,” Mr Boyce said.

“Unfortunately, this programme was discontinued in Labor’s May 2023 Budget, with no further funding provided beyond Stronger Communities Programme Round 8.

“I call on the Labor Government to restore this critical programme for the benefit of valuable community organisations that are run by hardworking volunteers who are the very fabric of our communities. Every day of delay is at the detriment of these community groups.”

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